Friday, November 06, 2009

Documentation / Phillips

Photographs chosen from an assignment tonight at the Phillips Collection. Three of these are documentation of an historic performance art event, "Re: Happening," based on a work "Theater Piece No. 1" originally staged at Black Mountain College in 1952.

The other image, of the woman on the staircase, I simply just like.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Portrait of Dr. Michael Bourke "Champion of the innocent"

This portrait was recently made on assignment for the American Psychological Association's APA Monitor magazine of Dr. Michael Bourke, who is the US Marshall's Service's Chief Psychologist in charge of analyzing and apprehending sexual offenders who victimize children.

He has difficult and important work protecting the community. I found him to be a very positive, cheerful, and open person, who also clearly approaches his difficult mission seriously.