Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"Not My President- No Kings" demonstration at the US Capitol

"Not My President- No Kings" demonstration at the US Capitol in Washington DC. It was a large protest, part of the grassroots 50501 movement that rallied in all 50 states on Monday February 17, 2025, voiced their strong resistance to the Tr*mp/Musk coup that is undermining the democratic heritage of the US Constitution.

Thanks to all who were there in body, and those supporting the effort in spirit. 

Solidarity, justice, democracy, resistance.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Folger in the snow

Some of my favorite pictures from a recent assignment to document the Folger Shakespeare Library in the snow.

What's Past Is Prologue" - Transformation of the Folger Shakespeare Library 2020 - 2024

I have created an artist's book of the work I did for over four years documenting the demolition, construction, and renovation of the Folger Shakespeare Library in DC. It was a marvel and a learning experience to do this work on behalf of the Folger. 

You can preview the entire book for free or purchase it if you feel so moved. Thanks to the good folks at the Folger and the hard-working construction crews who trusted me do record the process. 


A link to the book is here.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Adele (& l'dor v'dor)

From a visit to State College, PA: 

Granddaughter Adele, (plus her mother Marjorie and grandmother Ruth).

Marjorie, Adele, and Ruth