Saturday, May 11, 2024

Black In The Day: Historic photographs of Black Arlington | FOHTA Gallery ®

This is the full set of pictures from the Arlington Photographic Documentary Project that were exhibited at the FOHTA® (From One Hand To Another) Gallery in historic Green Valley, Arlington, Virginia.

The exhibit is titled "Black In The Day." All pictures were made in the Halls Hill, Johnson Hill, and Green Valley traditionally African-American neighborhoods in 1980 as part of an NEA-funded documentary survey grant, in partnership with my colleague Paula Endo. The pictures from Green Valley were largely made possible through the help and guidance of the late civic activist John Robinson, that community's beloved unofficial mayor.

The opening was on May 5, 2024, and the show's run is through Juneteenth 2024.

Special thanks are due to Felicia McFail,  the gallery owner/director of FOHTA, for her vision, creativity, and for allowing me to share this work in such a meaningful way.

Dr. Muse- Green Valley Pharmacy

L to r: Rupert Baker, Robert Baker, Archie Pretty

John Robinson, Mrs. Moten

Katherine Bullock

Richard Walker

Homecoming King & Queen, W-L High School 1980

Felecia McFail & Lloyd Wolf. Photo by Gerald Martineau

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