Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Refugee Integration in Virginia | Stories - for the Ethiopian Community Development Council

I was the chief photographer for the project "Refugee Integration in Virginia,"  for the Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC). ECDC profiled a number of refugees to the state as well as organizations and individuals that provide support for new immigrants in need. The work was sponsored by a grant from Virginia Humanities.

A storytelling event and exhibition was held at ECDC's headquarters on July 15, 2022.

Pictured are: Ahmad Luqman, Engeela Sharifi and family, Kenneth Speicher, Lisa McQuail, Mohammad Dawar Hakimi, Reza Yawari  and family, Todd Endo, Wendy Chan, and Zakira Qayum and family.

Thanks to Aleen Wright, Dr. Tsehaye Teferra, Dr. Azeb Girgai, and the rest of the staff at ECDC, and to the brave refugees and their kind-hearted helpers who participated in the project.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Wow. Great work and a great service.
