Tuesday, January 03, 2017

D25- DCJCC volunteer effort 2016

These photographs portray the DC Jewish Community Center's D25 effort, which I have been documenting annually since 1991.

Over 1,000 people from our faith community, along with others, prepare, serve, and deliver meals, toys, donate blood, visit and entertain the sick, elderly, homeless, and shut-in, and refurbish schools and other worthy programs in our community that are in need of help. This is in keeping with the Jewish mitzvah (commandment) of tikkun olam - to heal the world.

Among the sites and organizations documented are Father McKenna's CenterDC Central KitchenOpen Arms Housing, Access Housing, Martha's Tablethe DCJCC, and GLOE.

Thanks to the Sonya Weisburd and Randy Bacon of the DCJCC and Behrend Builders, to members of my havurot Fabrangen and Congregation Beth Emet, and to Washington Jewish Week, who will be publishing a photo essay shortly.

Extra special thanks to my dear Ruth Stromberg, for getting up way before dawn, being ok with eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the car as we dashed between sites, and her good work in providing the photo captions on this busy day, and for her steadfast support for my projects... and for me. I love you Ruth. 


  1. Hi, Is there any way that I could get one of these photos sent to me? I am on the board of directors of Open Arms Housing, and I love the shot of the volunteer with the client playing bingo. thanks! Sharon Gang

  2. Sharon- please email me a request -to lloydwolf@lloydwolf.com and specify which image you wish. Note that my main computer is in the shop for repair, but I could get it to you after that. Best- Lloyd
