Monday, May 30, 2022

Train 82 to New York City: A continued conversation with Albrecht Dürer.

In the early 1970's, I regularly took the train between Washington, DC and Trinity College, the school I attended in Hartford, Connecticut. To relieve the tedium and to amuse myself, I often conducted extended imaginary conversations with the great German artist of the late Renaissance, Albrecht Dürer. I would point out the things that had changed in the world, and we would observe the rough and tumble industrial landscape of the mid-Atlantic route. I would imagine him talking about what he would sketch, and what he thought of things. I very much enjoyed these inner exchanges.

On May 21, 2022, my partner Ruth and I took Amtrak train 82 from Washington DC to New York, covering much of the same route as I had years ago. We were headed to the sixtieth birthday party of our friend, the German-born artist, Tine Kindermann.

I took up my conversation with Dürer again right where we had left off.

These pictures are a record of sorts of what transpired.

This book can be previewed and is available through Blurb: 

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