Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vigil in Washington DC for the victims of the tragic synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh

These photographs are from last night's quickly-assembled vigil by our community to honor and mourn the victims of this Shabbat's horrible tragedy in Pittsburgh, where eleven innocent Jews were gunned down by an American  neo-nazi during services.

It was held in Lafayette Park in Washington DC, directly in front of the White House. It was organized by Bend The Arc, and there were speakers fro many Jewish organizations, including HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, who the accused shooter specifically was vocal about in his hateful rants), Jewish Women's International, the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, members of the Pittsburgh Jewish community, representatives of the local Muslim community, several rabbis, and officers of Bend the Arc. There were numerous congregations represented, and numerous rabbis.

I estimate the crowd attending was between 600 and 800 people. 

It was a very moving experience. Kaddish was said, and the evening concluded with the singing of numerous hymns in Hebrew, including Gesher Tzar Meod (The World is a Narrow Bridge), the 23rd Psalm (Mizmor L'David), and Am Yisroel Chai.

שלום. Peace.

Miriam Feffer of HIAS

Speaker from Jewish Women's International, and Rabbi Sonny Shnitzer.

Representative of the Muslim faith community

Josh Friedman, speaker from the Pittsburgh Jewish community

Arielle Gingold of Bend the Arc


  1. Lloyd,

    Beautiful pictures, under very difficult lighting conditions. It'a good to document events like this.


  2. Thank you Clare. Shalom.
