Friday, August 07, 2015

Operation Understanding DC Class 21 - New York City: Crown Heights, Harlem, East Harlem

Operation Understanding DC's  Class 21 visited the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, and met with Devorah Halberstam, founder of the Jewish Children's Museum, whose son was brutally slain in an anti-Semitic attack in New York, and with Richard Green of the Crown Heights Youth Collective; both of them powerhouse peacemakers and activists. They also studied with Dr. Henry Goldschmidt of the Interfaith Center of NY, an expert in the Crown Heights riots and inter-ethnic issues.

They also attended programs at the Malcolm X & Betty Shabazz Center, in Harlem, and learning at the spot where Malcolm X was assassinated.

At the James Weldon Johnson Community Center in East Harlem, they met and heard from a real straight talker, life-long activist, former Freedom Rider Lewis (Lew) Zuchman. They also met with rights activist Billy Green & the crew of GLASS- (Gays Lesbians & Straight Supporters), and were treated to - and participated in  - House vogueing.
Crown Heights

Richard Green

Devorah Halberstam

Dr. Henry Goldschmidt

Malcolm X & Betty Shabazz Center

Freedom Rider Lew Zuchman

Jewish Children's Museum

Site of Malcom X's assassination

James Weldon Johnson Community Center

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear you were in my neighborhood.
    I work right across from the Jewish Children's Museum.
    I know the fellow in the first photo and sent him a link of this post.
